This plant obtains the heat required to operate the ORC module by burning poultry manure from broiler (i.e. meat) chickens, a biomass made of a mix of chicken excrements, feathers, straw and feed rests.
The ORC module is hosted indoors, inside a small (45m2) purpose-built room which also contains the control panels, while the movable-grate boiler is out in the open, protected only by a small canopy. All other accessory systems (fuel buffer, loading screws, and the dry cooler for the condensation stage) are in the open as well.
Fuel is stored in a tensile structure adjacent to the dry cooler (not included in the layout) and is loaded periodically in the fuel buffer, which holds enough to keep the boiler running for about 48 hours.
The ORC module used in this plant is a ZE-150-LT system customized by having its control panels moved away from the skid and placed inside a nearby room. Its generator has also been rewired to accomodate a non-standard operational point with a lower thermal input, so the plant has ben derated to 140kWe from its nominal 150kWe. You can see and download the standard ZE-150-LT ORC module datasheet by clicking here ).