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LT-Series ORC Modules

Maximum versatility for all uses

LT-Series Modules: The versatile, reliable and safe Low-Temperature for Primary Power Generation and Waste Heat Recovery by Zuccato Energia.

Designed using cutting edge-technologies, the LT-Series ORC power generation modules by Zuccato Energia are a compact and efficient solution for small-scale primary power generation. Available with electric power outputs ranging from 75 to 495 kWE, they use overheated water as a vector fluid and find their ideal field of application in association with biomass-fueled boilers, as well as for waste heat recovery from furnaces, ovens and industrial processes in general.


Heat Recovery from Engines

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Heat Recovery From Industrial Processes

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Power Generation from Biomass

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Geothermal Heat

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Thermodynamic Solar Power

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Gas pressure regulator

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Technical Specifications

General Specifications ZE-75-LT ZE-100-LT ZE-150-LT ZE-175-LT ZE-200-LT ZE-250-LT ZE-500-LT
Thermal power input 550 kWT 740 kWT 1100 kWT 1280 kWT 1400 kWT 1560 kWT 2909 kWT
Electric power output 75 kWE 100 kWE 150 kWE 175 kWE 200 kWE 250 kWE 495 kWE
System efficiency 13.60% 13.50% 13.60% 13.60% 14.30% 16.00% 17.00%
Vector fluid
Overheated water Diathermic oil
Vector fluid input temperature
≥160 °C ≥175 °C ≥225 °C
Vector fluid output temperature 145 °C 140 °C 145 °C 103 °C
Vector fluid nominal flowrate 8.49 kg/s 11.91 kg/s 13.14 kg/s 14.88 kg/s 21.65 kg/s 12.00 kg/s 11.28 kg/s
Working fluid
Environment-friendly HFC mix
Skid Dimensions (l x w x h) 4.1 x 2.0 x 2.7 m 5.5 x 2.3 x 2.6 m 10.3 x 4.5 x 2.9 m
Weight (incl. working fluid) ≈ 4000 Kg ≈ 6500 Kg ≈ 6200 Kg ≈ 21.5 t


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